Applied to join Clear?

We do a lot of recruitment as a fast growing company, so if you found this page it may be because you have applied for one of our adverts or you have an interview with us soon! Below is a bit about our culture!

We are motivated by change! We are not good enough yet and we are excited to get better and continue growing. Anybody, any company or any invention, even any athlete at the peak of their or its powers is constantly looking for improvement. We are the same. We don’t think we’re good enough yet and we’re motivated to continue to improve and change. That means we continue to train our staff and our people every single day! We expect them, like us, to continue to strive for improvement to move their own career forward and continue to improve their skills. If you are motivated by change, if you are motivated by progression… you might be a good fit for our company.

Anyone selected to start in our company is given a position because we see potential in them. We are less worried about where someone starts and what skills they bring to us and way more excited about how together, as a partnership, we can help them improve. We want to see them excel and do all we can to assist along the way!

No matter who you are, we don’t believe you’ve done your best work yet. We believe like our company, the best is ahead of you. We believe the best is ahead for us, we believe the best is ahead of our clients and we believe the best is ahead of every single person who starts in our company. This mentality then feeds into our mentorship and development programs!

Our management and leadership team is dedicated to helping our team continue to evolve. Give all the support people need along their own journey towards what they are excited about! We allow people to have their own goals and own things they want to achieve. We feel it’s our job as a company to facilitate and be there for people as they move in the direction they are excited about . Early on, we want to find out how ambitious someone is and want type of career they want to have with us. Some people want to learn skills and some want to forge huge careers onto large levels of responsibility with our clients! We are into both as well as everything in the middle. We will want to know what you want so we can mentor you correctly.

We don’t believe perfection exists, you can always improve and get a tiny bit better! Get a tiny bit better multiple times and that creates a lot of progress! We also believe you should be allowed to be bad at something when you’re new to it. So what we attach our celebrations to is improvement.